Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pokemon Shiny Gold Casino


the first time within our trip as we crossed the border should be, ie, conveying across the country from one to another, rather than flew between the cities. The last place in Thailand, which was visited Chiang Mai and from there by bus (7 hours on narrow benches skajowych) we reached the limits of Chiang Khong. We had all night to get used to the idea that the other side of the Mekong is waiting for us a new country, new people and new places to visit. On the audience coming from Laos maudlin melodies and watching lights Huay Xai. To grant that for the next few weeks we will follow the course of the Mother River, and to its outlet in Vietnam. Morning, we got to the border, we got Thai stamp on the "goodbye", crossed the Mekong River and have set in the queue after the Laotian stamp on "Good day". Everything went well, with respect for the geography and natural boundaries between States. From Huay Xai sailed down the Mekong to Luang Prabang. Runoff rather long (2 days), but a nightmare scenario and legends about how it uncomfortable and crowded na tej Łodzi, sprawdzily sie nie. Atmosfera byla raczej imprezowa, widoki Piekna, choc monotonne, ale i tak wszyscy z Ulga portions wysiedli w w Luang Prabang.

For the first time during our trip we crossed the border as God commands, that is crossing from one country to another and not flying between cities. The last place on our itinerary was Thai Chiang Mai, where we (by bus, 7 pm in the dugout superestrechos) to Chang Khong. There we had all night to get used to the other side of the Mekong awaits new country, new people and new places to see. For the ma1ana we reached the border, Thai received the seal of farewell, we crossed the river, and we hope the seal Welcome to Laos. All right respecting the natural boundaries between countries. From Huay Xai we took the boat to Luang Prabang. A boat and superslow quite uncomfortable, but with the party atmosphere. So after two days seeing the sights of Luang Prabang we Mekong.


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