Monday, May 10, 2010

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Sunday afternoon passed lazily in accompanied by tulips, which bloom in the end, Mr. Captain Bear Podróżnisia-a gift from Magda and jackdaws with milk.
Unfortunately, what good does not last forever ... The night is young, and abdominal pain rozgorączkował landed at the doctor: (
osłuchała Doctor, watched i. .. stated that you need to do urine and blood. So, tomorrow we go back to the clinic, brrrr ... I, as befits the mother of a Polish woman, sitting with O at home, on the release and I get in moods of depression, I do not know what is my child! United fever, abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, and even today protruded some spots on the throat and runny nose :((((
The doctor said that definitely there is some infection, but we need to make sure, because these studies.
zobaczymy.Tylko Wait-where to get as much patience?


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