Monday, May 31, 2010

How To Determine Implantation Bleeding

Sunday trip along the river

chose the Sunday, spy bike for a trip to discern what the state rzeki.Okazało that everything is in order.
By the way I came across a tree?-Monument of nature, and here you are, we Review the freak: D

Wielmożna A below-photo with your bank.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

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yet quiet ...

I look at her with apprehension, and on Saturday it will be so calm and keep ... the HOPE ...

Monday, May 17, 2010

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Friday, May 14, 2010

How To Find Pnr Number In Jetlite

is OK:)) Sunday Afternoon

On Tuesday, the incomprehensible stress, it appeared that young O has anginę.Pierwszy time in my life I am glad that my child is angina! He got antibiotics and slowly comes to siebie.Jeszcze today we go to the doctor, because the blood test results are not very-little-too many white blood cells but I think the fact that the blood was collected in a fever and general osłabieniu.Nie inspire a brighter-probably do not have it siły.Najważniejsze that The returns to health, and stopped a fever:)
Yesterday I received a parcel of consolation from Agnieszki.Kupiłam at her stand, which will use perhaps more as a decoration.

Monday, May 10, 2010

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Sunday afternoon passed lazily in accompanied by tulips, which bloom in the end, Mr. Captain Bear Podróżnisia-a gift from Magda and jackdaws with milk.
Unfortunately, what good does not last forever ... The night is young, and abdominal pain rozgorączkował landed at the doctor: (
osłuchała Doctor, watched i. .. stated that you need to do urine and blood. So, tomorrow we go back to the clinic, brrrr ... I, as befits the mother of a Polish woman, sitting with O at home, on the release and I get in moods of depression, I do not know what is my child! United fever, abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, and even today protruded some spots on the throat and runny nose :((((
The doctor said that definitely there is some infection, but we need to make sure, because these studies.
zobaczymy.Tylko Wait-where to get as much patience?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Griha Prabesh Invitation

Seduced became

I, no talent when it comes to sticking a needle and sewing anything, I was charmed by her cudeńkami.A Llookę because it is incredibly generous and creative, demonstrated on his blog how to create your lloki.Zbierałam almost a month to try (Ojjjoj).
... today I kind of forced me to this weather, "created" something more modest podobnego.Co true, but I think it sets up fairly well as-and reward yourself for hard work and effort:)) Apparently Science does not go into the forest ...

And this is my "scribble"

A Sample Project Report

Spring, oh it's ...

Here are some pics from our trip majowej.Oprócz sun, I found some interesting, unusual plants, which sat in the cottage garden-if you accept, I will show in the summer:))