Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anjniversary Dinner At Bangalore

Spicy stories

At the beginning of explanation: Chinese cuisine does not exist.
It's just like say "European cuisine", as if you can, but it
concept too broad, in order to matter anyway. With the "Chinese cuisine"
just because variety of dishes, spices, how they
preparation and administration is so vast between the individual
regions that are separate entities. In both cases there
ingredients: rice, noodles, pork and some vegetables.
we were not experts on food in China, because It is our se
places rather low and we had neither the opportunity nor the inclination to try
paws of a tiger, monkey brain and penis buffalo. But what we know to tell
Chinese eat early. Begin from the breakfast already near 6 am,
which consists of a standard rice gruel (tasteless),
bean soup (no taste), noodles (with pork), pickled vegetables and soy milk
. Eat lunch around noon and are usually in
nudle some meat broth. The real madness begins evening
(near 7) when it comes time for dinner. Chinese people love to eat dinner and celebrate
as Spaniards. Sit for the whole family or with friends
, the contracting plenty of food so that everyone could kasnac
different flavors. They are at the same loud, laughing and joy
bloom of life. On the occasion of spits, charkaja, smarkaja, and Farting bekaja
not getting up from the table. About mlaskaniu and siorbaniu not remember, because what
louder, the more it tastes.
In the middle of another explanation: spring rolls are from Vietnam, not China.
Those who eat in restaurants, Chinese, nohow do not have to
're responding.
Chinese people have invented two things that pleased the us as soon as we took
to China. Dumplings and dumplings. Dumplings tastes like ours.
are usually stuffed with meat and served in soup or in bulk from some
sosikiem to add flavor. Dumplings are the dilemmas between
travelers, because not all respond. Dumplings are dumplings in our
hand, so much more meaningful filling. In our research we came across
recipes for Meat filling (the most popular
), a vegetable with spicy eggplant or cabbage paryka
onions and pasta. Pasta with soy sauce on steamed klusce.
best dumplings are in Shanghai. Here, we will not discuss with anyone
. May a little less meat and thanks to the empty space between the filling and
dough gathers all the delicious sauce with meat. A
absolute summit of fried dumplings are kluskowym.
Shanghai dumplings are accompanied by operating instructions: first wygryzc
little hole, suck out the juice and the rest chapsnac. You can use a straw.
In several places we found the dishes, which we know
Chinese restaurant in Europe, such as pork sweet-sour. Here too the sauce
varies from region to region, it is sometimes gestures, dark, caramelized
and sometimes reddish with lots of vegetables. Always sweet-kwasmy
and delicious.
In China, it is often on the street, so there are different dishes rozpowechnione
on a stick: potatoes (yum), different parts of a cow or pig,
pork, squid, octopus, sausages (sweet). In Yunanie
it can bite a woman, or roti bread and drink milk yogurt
Sichuan is famous for its spicy food (Chinese generally eat spicy, because
by. Chinese medicine helps to cleanse your body of toxins.) That the inhabitants of Sichuan May
scorched taste buds found out
ORDERING fried eggplant, that was supposed not to be "not at all and it does"
sharp and after the second bite spocilismy August, August polaly tears, and suddenly we began to hear more clearly
because we przetkaly auditory canals and began zwawiej
hammer tap.
traversing vast tracts of Chinese had to do something resins in
trains. Fortunately, every car is a boiling water tap, who can be stoned
Chinese soup (are hundreds of flavors, most disgusting
) or tea. Chinese people drink tea is always and everywhere
walk with a thermos. In every place you can ask for an additional portion of boiling water with tea
a first class, it can easily infuse a few times
(the best apparently to 8, we we have come to the same 3-4 zaparzen
leaves). According to the principle of krakaniu and wronach, we also prancing around with
hot, red water bottle. At the end of last
explanation: beer in China is cheaper than coffee. The
a cup of coffee you can drink 1.5 liters of beer. Zgadnijce what


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