Monday, January 26, 2009

Metal Coca Cola Coolers

Force 17, the TO-38, was named ...... Solaris zeb!

Travel Report By Rudy L. Class X-KI, group 21, Hyakutake that kamitnya son Aksel, hapenya ga no keypad, his glasses broken and follows 2 TO in the same month. For part 1 and 2 is less exciting, so it's better ga have to read ...

First Part, Pre-Pre solaris TO
Force was tasked to create a small nametag which will become part of a big nametag. For women must ponytail 2 with a red ribbon, cropped-haired guy should be 1cm. I'm probably the last person in the armed Solaris haircut, because my hair is the source of my brain (yes that's how I think).

Activities pensi early part also performed together with the pre-pre-TO.
At that time, many groups who have not completed their group paper. My group stayed in print, but unfortunately loved, ga no printer. Due to my chairman who agak2 wishy-washy with the time already mepet (20 minutes should already be), I decided to go home alone took my printer in my home, my group leader Priaji dianter Setiadani (eventually without our emang group leader was not sufficiently .) He bener2 speeding, then I ask, "Kalan tau lw ga ji?". The answer is yes where tau lah, gw aja lucky asked, if guns for what she ngebut2 without direction. After the got home, I immediately promised myself, "completed in 1 minute!". Jump back to school with its HP printer carrying heavy with kabel2nya yg ribet. I immediately ran with the speed demons into space on the 2nd floor of Religion a base camp group 21. There, our group eventually become sellers print services for free on other groups that have been bener2 ga ngeprint sempet again find a place, let alone ask cewe2, oh, yes I can not deny is ...

After bbrapa time, a force was called into the field by a beautiful whistle sound. Remarkably, one group (group forgot how many) already returned all. Bberapa Moments later, rain fell beautifully and we were told to disperse and gather again after the rain stopped. I ngelanjutin ngeprint other kelompok2 paper plus looking at my Puma same oft dipinjem Gabriella Patricia Pella. After row and disbanded again, each group gathered with kamitnya masing2. Our moving group of 21 named "Muhammad Pranasa Aranta Syaiful Dinar" . Very long huh? Papin kak nickname is the son Aksel and hapenya ga no keypad (the longer aja). Then there's the part of the mobile library which accompany the named Kak Fauzi Ahmad Malik. We arrived there at 5, then go home. When I got home, I brought my HP printer ditemenin by Ni Luh Putu Miradiny Susan Saraswati. For some reason today why the person's name and panjang2 aneh2.

bald and nametag After we've finished, our holiday line 1 force before the new epidemic. There bbrapa his name or the name of a distinguished group of members called terus2an, due to their obstinacy bbrapa or because of certain reasons. One reason bbrapa person called is because they want the name of our generation, Solaris, or may be converted into Galactic Galactic For those who could not understand, HHE. Worse still they dare to speak directly alias ga way behind, so his PO kesel also lah, gw aja kesel. Well, anyway itukan already passed, do not be repeated again so who is like that:)

Second Part, A Long Way to Pre TO

Actually we wanted to TO tuh December, but due to reasons bbrapa postponed until January. Awal2 fit in, we have a duty to make a big nametag and given a period of 6 days (4 days starting on Monday). Until this moment I do not know for sure, if the chairman decides its own force or by other kelompok2 aspirations.

For my group, working from home pindah2 Tika, I am, then Ajeng. I admit, the lack of our group tuh loads, ranging from lack of performance potential team leaders who effectively ga banget, members who are often noisy and males2an, working system yg ga ga focused and meaningful ... However, the critical saat2, everything worked maximal (though still ga effective before the last day) and that males2 was so god-like Fazri our savior and Kenny.

Left home Tika, we work effectively bener2 ga. Lenje2 really works! Left photo problems, Aji chairman of my group told me to go take photos at his home in the Galaxy and back again to the bamboo hut for scanned images. New bbrapa minutes after leaving, she's already ketangkep police. I immediately diem aja, because emang already dizzy thinking about nametag. Because of rain, we dibebasin, and immediately raced to her house. Abis from his house, toward the bamboo hut while nyari bbrapa nametag less material here and there. Dikit2 ujan, but we must go on, because already Malem and fear ga over.

Up in bamboo hut, I forgot to place her picture. As a result, we are pacing nyari where the photo was for approximately 20 minutes. Lagi2, lack of effectiveness of harm chairman of the group. We're waiting for half an hour just for the scanned images. Should we still can do something else first. Then we buy A3 laminating paper for Rp 225.000, -, Go home Andira took the material, and back home Tika. I came home dianter Kenny rose mersinya that already sizable old school to my house, while some people nginep and sleep at home Tika ga, Sorry yes teman2 ... : (

Not unexpectedly, the group I've become nametag ahead, but ttep aja still flawed and not so behind.
I Gatau why force the emperor could be nametagnya in time short cut, but the force Solaris guns. Is it because of lack of coordination between members of the group, between groups, the head of force, time, or time management less? I do not know, certainly we dikasi additional 1-week time again (even more).

Finally we Pre-TO without a nametag, Pas Pre-TO ga there too impressive in my heart. Perhaps the most fitting closure diinget anak2 Solaris Pre-TO in the hall. They chanted "Solaris" together. Well, most guns can strengthen their unity and to give confidence in kakak2 PO. Pas Pre-TO, which I do even ngasi2 doll to the girl-girl as my oleh2 holiday fitting a new epidemic. And, ending the Pre-TO.

Third Part, On the way to Subang
After we finished, we Vendel installed, and barang2 already dipacking, we headed Subang on 23 January 2009. We were told to get together before 6, which processed my brain is 6-1 = 5 o'clock hour. Went to school at 5, then gathered with my group. We ngepack barang2 and naikin to the truck. We panic, how ya gaby has not shown up? We've tried calling many times but not appointed by him. Until the whistle sounded and we were told to march, he had not yet come. After the line turns out she's already disbanded nyampe with alasan2 ga I also heard because they do not want heard.

Approximately 8:25 o'clock in the morning we depart from Kodam to Subang. I was eleven buses that had filled the Hyakutake and Hermes, Papin Kak, Kak Fauzi, and Kak Olin, then guru2 and also a bus driver (yaiyalah). I sat at the front (not in front of the bus huh ...) with pack Junaedi and bbrapa time then there is kak fauzi in front of me. New bberapa minute bus departed, 2 groups that I've slept all proud of this but me, kak fauzi, kak Papin, and the bus driver (YAIYALAH! !!!!!). Unfortunately

critical trio hell, aka me, fauzi kak, kak Papin and can not sit close to all, so it is less exciting. When the exit toll, all bus stops for a moment because there are technical errors. All at down to make urination or just simply foto2 on the highway that is still quiet. As already set out again, we lost 2 people group. They are from the armed kakak2 emperor who join our group. Although initially troublesome, but they are very helpful and to support us in many ways including transportation barang2. Haturkan Our thanks to you both.

Finally we arrived at the village Dayeuh conservative, Subang. We immediately make a pyramids to establish vendel group, and the most disturbing thing the first time until there is vendel Hyakutake are always separated from the brace. New bbrapa when piramidnya so, a call echoed Friday Azan prayers. Small mosque which was woefully inadequate (kira2 only fit 100 people) must be met by migrants from high school with a population stempat 81. I do not know the current Friday prayers, so I force it on the floor where the stagnant water along with moving my ablution. Not finished thinking about how to prostration, Friday prayers had begun. As a result, not wet my pants karu-known and severe prostration when I have to hold your breath so that water does not enter into my nose ... = __ = The name is also TO, so I gladly accept ...

next event is an introduction to the owner of the house while establishing vendel in front of the house. 21 group homes adjacent to the group of 22 which became partners. However, the houses we live in arguably one of the most severe there. The bathroom was just open, lavatory was no bottle aquanya, and others is ... However, the TO we become more memorable because of it. The event immediately followed by lunch. After lunch, proceed with the search data and if there priwitan ga one of the PO. After that we Asar prayers and the call to prayer in congregation Aji. I wish dapet blue star, but what power, azannya wrote wrong, wkwkwk.

After Asar, continued environmental research and a little drizzle. Assigned to search for data is the vice chairman of the group 21, Dawn (I do not know calling morning or adit: D) \u200b\u200band a son Aksel Gaby. The data collected, our prayers siap2 west. haw I suggest that departure bareng2 let get blue star. Stetelah kultum prayer continues with the west. General group without calling me first developed, with the intention of getting blue star ...

After that, continued prayers and siap2 evening for dinner. After dinner, I visited the 22 group homes, Hermes to discuss our pensi evening at the campfire. Apparently members of the group was lying exhausted all! Then one of the main part of the dawn of Attraction we are severely injured leg. He plans to do with Capoeira shadow, Adit. I also gained as a director confused with this situation. Then they were both practicing Capoeira itself and I suggest that his health was not too imposing.

finally arrived also time pensi. When taking the draw, people who take the lottery we give a festive greeting for our group to turn to appear and without preparation oath FIRST !!!!!!!!!! A minute before the show, we bring together ideas and forward without preparation and without knowing what will we do next. However, it was applause from the audience quite a lot and enthusiastic audience with the appearance of Dawn and Aditya (a member of another group just run around them both, salary blind =__=). deh Sukses2 ... thankfully we do not a turn after the first, because surely akn orang2 we compare with previous performance. Haturkan Our thanks to Aditya and Dawn:)

One by one started to show their skills till the appearance of Osis also guru2. My clock struck 23:35, guru2 forcibly disperse the show for reasons of time already show time at 12 tonight. I was amazed, this emangnya already at 12 what? But we still think and go home to sleep. I barely slept standing because aja ga dapet place, but eventually sdikit get places because behind the door, HHA.

Fourth Part, The Last Day Before The Last Day and The Last Day

We group 21 new bed today and get up on this day. We get up in unison at 3:30 am, then males2an until around 03:50 hours. We have the compact air-7 go to Musholla to perform Subuh prayer. We had come early, with the intention of getting lagi2 blue star with village conditions that are still foggy and cold-karu not known. On arriving at Musholla, seen a lot of people had been there, which turned out to be a few members from 81 mosque who slept there. We are proud to know that we were the first group who came to pray at dawn and compact 1 group.

L: Uh, yes brapa this hour? Azan've come yet?
A: It seems like a long while
S: Uh, you wake the other group also dong ...
L: Okay, let's wake one generation (for the sake of getting a blue star ...)

With nimble, we can not be picked up and then come home do not transfer to tiap2 homes ranging from group 1 to 26, we even had time to stray into house our own whatever we had in mind at the time. Bberapa people began to wander up to the call to prayer echoed. But we also intend to carry a call to prayer for the sake of getting a blue star, but the opportunity was lost for the wake and take a force for dawn prayers. A blue star drift ... Well, however this is more proud of our eyes rather than a blue star ...

After dawn prayers, such as usually followed by Kultum, then missed a mainstay group of 21 because there are no first-ever member absent for prayers in congregation (applause for Hyakutake). After absence, we returned home masing2 and breakfast. I drink menu is definitely a hot Kupi-karu not known. Because at home rather late bberapa minutes, so we're quite relaxed, but when the whistle sounded, we do not panic karu2an ...

"Loh, because I'm lonely ji!"
"front group already there ga!"
(to myself, "Tai ledik ...........")

On arrival in the field, Solaris has been chanting" STRAIGHT "... It makes my face became so-__________-and very embarrassed, because most morning but woke up late row. Instead of series, we nametag smeared face and use charcoal and markers, and may only be removed after the next meeting. It was very sour us as a group collecting the most stars blue. How guns, a group of late all ... After the line dance and gymnastics in the morning alias which I think homemade la kak Papin, we dikasi time for breakfast anymore. WHAT THE HELL really ga tuh? When out of the field, I change my clock to the MODE or JAM Aksel Papin, so no word late again in our dictionary.

Since we've already eaten, we siap2 wrote for exploration. Bberapa moments later, we returned dipluitin and our group certainly do not want silly late 2 times. Arriving in the field, we are allowed to remove any streaks on face and our nametag. I think that the council was to give time to eat in the morning so we got a chance for the next meeting in a short time. Whatever the reason, we thank haturkan on kakak2 PO:)

Time to crawl. Force is divided into 2, there is a charge of teaching in primary schools and there are 1000 trees movement (or rather 2 trees). Our group is ready for planting, I am in charge to bring his shovel a shovel was missing (when I got home just met). Instead, I bring 2 sticks ice cream and 2 tablespoons of plastic. Benar2 ready, what does not, the hole just been provided and we just need to put 2 pieces of plant in the hole and fertilize. I can not look in the direction Hermes groups already carrying a shovel big kayak just want to plant a banyan tree.

journey continues. We walked the forest (forest what it deh Gatau park) and rumah2 residents came to the production of bamboo crafts. There we were taught and also tried to process the production barang2 village-based pure bamboo, mullai of cutting, smoothing and weaving. The journey continues towards the posts OSIS. The first post we've been through is a test post by the child yells sigma, followed by bbrapa post which I forgot to post the order as arguments, slogans, hapalan verses of the Quran (which bener2 almost not memorized all 1 group), and we should through physical mail in the form of games, but the connect time, the post was abolished. Benar2 TO disappointing for the participants and also for its sister school council who have the spirit to prepare.
Back to home, the parents group 21 (I think) agak2 TO spoil because it has been brought to the anak2nya McD. Kak-Papin could not refuse to eat, we yasudahlah lanjtkan just the story ... Aji and Dawn came with a presentation bahan2 Charta which should be completed in 1 hour 30 minutes. After cutting, writing, and stick to bagian2 Charta, we immediately dipluitin and must run to the field by bringing potluck Charta. The chairman of the group, ran as fast as the devil to court and its members anxious not wait karu-known fate of its chairman. Bbrapa moments later, his head back and say that we still given the opportunity to an additional 10 minutes. I as a steering group to use my Aksel HOURS as Lethal Weapon. Just 1 minute elapsed since imposed an additional 10 minutes, I say, "STAY 5 MINUTES AGAIN !!!!". 21-member group became chaotic and work on his speed demon Charta assisted by the genie. After hours Aksel time I finished, I give 3 minutes of extra time for all those who have become the devil to do it Charta. Their faces who know that time is still a lot left, to be like this, <=_____________=>. Time to presentation

Charta. Our group was labeled by our own as the group least prepared in all things about the presentation Charta, and even moving when we fall asleep our own presentation. At first we were upset, but we just remembered that his glasses broken, so he walked by superior samar2 and also did not sleep last night. Poor us who have been moving a lot of sacrifices for us. But with an unexpected result, we got the champion 2 in 4 of 5 tent tent. The result was very high at 4400 points, compared with 1 per tent champion who rata2 only got 4300 points. Maybe we are less fortunate, but we continue to accept defeat with a fair, let alone without such preparation.

raining heavy, continued in the small mosque Final Charta. Ga me no work, so I visited the group home tiap2 though not all. I jalan2 with Fadhil, who is also chairman of the group Desdemona rank 1 in the class X-KI. I've met a lot of aneh2 kakak2 OSIS, and the last one I visited was kak Delta kata2nya quite puzzled me. :)

Siap2 Maghrib prayer, group prayer in congregation we remain compact and comes first. After the evening continued with Kultum, but Kultum somewhat different this time. When someone from a group being berkultum, tiba2 thunder god with the power grab, and entire villages had been off the lights! I stay in mosque until kira2 1 hour after Isha with kak Papin my nostrils and some members of the ga Hyakutake plasticity of the dark. I'm having fun playing Sudoku on my phone until we all were told to return to home masing2 in a state of the pitch-black road and still raining with thunder god who grabbed the severity. Kak Papin brought forward in front of a flashlight and do not use umbrellas. I was somewhat not comfortable with it. Tiba2 Then came "sesa kak angel" who brought an umbrella for a group of us and drove us safely home. Haturkan Our thanks to kak Sesa:)

Up at home, turn on the lights in my house. Do not know whether because of the power lines do not connect with one village or because it was lit, but most guns we are thankful we can do the activities there. Members Hyakutake dinner, while I as Commander of the War Vendel had to sleep early in order to concentrate tonight.

-Saturday 23:10 AM-

I was woken up by group members I slapped manner. Yep, bner2 kecepetan banguninnya, must wait until 12 o'clock allowed Malem without sleep. Sunday, 00.00, vendel war began ... I forget what I have planned before, namely by making table. PO sister started to give the light of destruction in our house. Yes, at home, not on vendel. Not yet had time to do nothing, Vendel we've taken. =___= Defeated

next day we marched again on the ground. There is only one group that vendelnya not taken, that is our partner, Hermes. Hermes congratulations:)
are curious Then I ask them, what kind of god strategy they used to be able to win it ... Then Aditya, the head of the group 22 responded with smile, "Oh that, use your strategy, use the table ... Thank ya Rudy, ngasi already know how ...".

In this part of my face can not be described with any emoticons, benar2 stab ... This strategy proved their god is the result of my own thoughts I have shared to the group of 22 previously. Well never mind, we continue the story ...
However, I remain proud to have maintained Vendelnya Hermes and also with my strategy which I canceled because I forgot to do just what I should do the time. Thanks to my Hermes haturkan for bringing the good name of my own:)

When morning gymnastics, kak kalo ga wrong Adi asked, "On the strong push-ups ga? ". Solaris unison replied," STRONG PO !!!". this decision I thought was very wise and have proven that they are very good in solving problems. At the moment SERIES still being debated, they can embrace all parties to SERIES still be implemented even with a few changes. Some of them are not forced by circumstances or to say, not as a punishment and that is not strong or unwilling allowed backward first. With a song that makes the hearts of the participants TO was not depressed, and many other things that I OSIS has a sense of resolve that problem. Our thanks to Netradhiira Pattvisekra haturkan that have worked well:)

It's time to take the argument back vendel us. Aji Gatau have any ability, but he thinks that we vendel in the hands of an older student council, which in turn bener2 in his hand. We had a lengthy argument until at some point, I can not tell you what happened. In essence, it makes me and my group teman2 cry (probably my most severe =__=). Anyway ga can you tell us here at this time why.

After vendel back, we were getting ready packing and distributed penutupan.Disini bintang2 awards ceremony, even though our group did not receive additional stars, we remain proud of what we have done is seen or not, must we not get a black star. After the closing ceremony, we entered to the bus 11 to stay with our loyal partners, Hermes. I remained seated in front until some time until there are stops for a rest. Here I pay my debts replacement series. Not solaris debt, but debt $ 16 THOUSAND THOUSAND. This is my personal debt to my moving kak Papin who has treated me unjustly, but it makes me a step further discipline and spirit of the other members of Solaris. my thanks to kak haturkan Papin:)

After the break, I do not sit in front again, but stood next to kak Papin who became kenek temporary. Approximately 1 hour I nemenin kak Papin sawah2 who sat staring out the window exits. After sitting together with him, I returned to my post with the pack Junaedi and Kak Fauzi, then sleep until the exit toll.

Arriving at school, I was told (or maybe tell myself) to bring 4 nametag, 1 Charta. As in school, I searched my barang2 ga too heavy but it is troublesome. Drizzle began to fall, a sign will soon be very heavy rain. Before leaving, I want to give my last respects at the moving, kak Papin who consciously or unconsciously have been very instrumental for us all. Thank you for all your services. "Respect the past, GRAK RESPECT!". Sincerely lowered, then we shake hands as a FRIEND ... However .... Our story has not finished because besok2 still a lot of strange events that passed by me, kak Papin, Hyakutake, Hermes, OSIS, MPK ........................ Solaris

-Sincerely, Hyakutake-

In this section, I want to cheat on your blog style kak Papin, namely the session "kata2 who heard and remembered by me"

"Ready, Papin as directions, JAYA!"
"ga Pipit'd pay to pee ..."
"Let all bekhangkat!"
"Yours affectionately ..."
"Halo2 ... 81 ... our voices echoing in the air"
"Let's drink Kupi ..."
"curvature ..."
"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 .... a THOUSAND!"
"Yes what? Is it true?"
" Solaris! "

Special thanks to:

~ God
Almighty ~ All Staff (Teacher, TRC, SIGMA, Rohis, ROKRIS, ROKRAT, And the others)
OSIS Netradhiira ~ ~ MPK Cista Pattvisekra
Niti Pranagata
Family Mr Omo ~ ~ All Villagers
Dayeuh conservative
~ Parents
~ ~ ~ Kak Kak Fauzi
Olin as Hermes's "moving"
~ Hyakutake and Hermes

And ...

~ Kak Papin as the best moving, the school council, or anything Among the best in our heart.

Note: Some events, like a ghost, PCN, That old man wear a white clothes, posession, unconciousness or anything That have negative elements have been eliminated from this post: D

Thanks for your participation. Keep reading on my blog:)


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